Why is polandball actually indonesia ball. Poland in polandball is considered very backwards which is best represented as upside down incompetent and a little naive. He s the butt of many jokes for things he can t do and a lot of it can be traced back to polish jokes and stereotypes. The mods of the polandball subreddit says it s because in poland everything is upside down. The character of poland represented as a ball coloured like an upside down polish flag. He can t get anything in space according to the meme even though there was a polish cosmonaut miroslaw hermaszewski. Polandball also known as countryballs refers to user generated visual art typically manifesting as online comics where countries are personified as typically spherical personas decorated with their country s flag interacting in often broken english with the exception of countryballs that speak. Nepal is a rawr because of it s weird flag. In the polandball fan base that s how it s supposed to be drawn and its been that way since a krautchan user by the name of falco made polandball a thing.
Polandball Tutorial Series 3 Why Polandball Is Drawn Upside If i dont get the answer ill just go to pol showing 1 15 of 23 comments. You see when falco created polandball on krautchan many many years ago he drew poland with red on top the flag being upside down.